题 目:Writing and Publishing Journal Articles: Ways to Decrease Stress
and Increase Success
报告人:Sara Gwynn
时 间:11月4日(星期一)上午9:30-10:30
地 点:主楼西侧517室
内 容:Interactive lectures on the following topics:
l approaching a writing project
l writing a scientific paper, section by section
l publishing a scientific paper
l writing about science in English
l some resources for continued learning
时 间:11月5-6日 上午9:00-11:00
联 系 人:尹大川13674681911
地 点:主楼西侧518室
Sara Gwynn:Freelance evaluation of information services and partnerships of international development NGOs, and writing and editing, including scientific papers, annual reports, case studies, training materials and technical manuals.